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Need help with your clinic’s inventory and vendor payments?

Are you feeling bogged down in inventory management and vendor payments? 

You’re not alone. 

Running a medical practice is hard work. As well as treating clients there’s a lot that goes on behind the scenes. 

In fact it’s not uncommon for clinics to end up spending hours upon hours managing and ordering supplies and issuing payments each week. 

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

Recognize these pain-points?

Every clinic faces roadblocks from time to time. Don’t worry – it’s not just you. 

Managing stock and payments efficiently can be an administrative nightmare. Especially if you’re trying to do it manually. Not only is inventory and payment management time-consuming, but mistakes can be costly.

Do you recognize any of these common everyday annoyances? 

Annoying paper payments

If you’re still using paper payments, you’ll know how much of a hassle this can be. It’s downright frustrating. Recoding and tracking all of your vendor payments in this way can be nothing short of a nightmare. With Pay32 clinic you’ll be able to digitize the process so that you can record and track your vendor payments in a secure paperless process. 

Lack of visibility 

Ever faced a situation where your inventory is really hard to find? 

It’s super important to have the right stock available at the right time, but sometimes inefficient warehouse operations and supply chain responsiveness make it difficult to access the inventory you need when you need it. 

Disorganized systems 

Many clinics face this problem. Their inventory and payment systems work fine, but they’re difficult to keep track of due to disparate data. Collating all of this data manually is not only time-consuming but lacks the precision needed for accurate planning. 

Inaccurate forecasting 

When your forecasts aren’t up to scratch it means excess inventory, stockouts, lost sales, and extra costs. Doesn’t sound great, right? 

But determining the right level of inventory manually can be a challenge. Particularly as demand fluctuates with the seasons, current trends, and economic climate. 

The solution? 

Digitize your clinical practice with Pay32 Clinic.

Do you want to overcome these everyday frustrations in your practice?

Inventory management software is the way to go. Mobilizing AI-powered software automates repetitive tasks leaving you with more time to focus on what’s important. You’ll streamline workflows, optimize your inventory management, and eliminate human error. 

Pay32 Clinic can digitize your clinical practice for you by bridging the gap between dealers and clinicians. We do this through a robust online platform that our clients use as a single touch-point between them and their manufacturers and dealers. 

Most clinics in Southeast Asia are still tracking their inventory and payments manually. 

But we think it’s about time that changed. 

That’s why we’ve developed Pay32Clinic software to empower clinics to go digital. 

Our cloud-based solutions digitize your clinic’s inventory data and vendor payments by:

● Tracking product expiration dates

● Optimizing your inventory with data 

● Tracking your month over month inventory trends 

● Paperless recording of all vendor payments

● Digitizing vendor payments 

And what will you get in return?

When you digitize with Pay32 Clinic, you’ll benefit from serious productivity and saving, you’ll gain more control over your supplies and expenditure and you’ll be able to manage all of your vendor payments from one secure, easy-to-use platform. 

Not yet sure?

Why not schedule a demo or try out Pay32 Clinic for free! 

Click here for a full list of packages & Offers.

Transform your practice

If your practice is still bogged down by laborious and time-consuming inventory and payment management tasks, it’s time to rethink. Pay32 Clinic can help you automate your everyday inventory and payment functions, leaving you free to focus on what matters. 

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